A/B testing using Python

In A/B testing, we analyze the results of two marketing strategies to choose the best one for future marketing campaigns.
• relationship between the number of impressions
• number of searches performed on the website from both campaigns
• number of website clicks from both campaigns
• amount of content viewed after reaching the website from both campaigns
• number of products added to the cart from both campaigns
• purchases made by both campaigns Following relations have minor difference betwee

Analyzing Students’ Mental Health in SQL

Does going to university in a different country affect your mental health? A Japanese international university surveyed its students in 2018 and published a study the following year that was approved by several ethical and regulatory boards.

The study found that international students have a higher risk of mental health difficulties than the general population. Explore the data using PostgreSQL to determine if this is true and see if the length of stay is a contributing factor.

Here is the dat

About Me

I am Fascinated by the impact of data on business Operations, I retained as a data analyst. I am hoping to blend my  data analyst skills with existing business knowledge to bring unique insights.